Roast Vegetables

This recipe is for roast vegetables that aren't pre-cooked. If you wish so, you can of course pre-cook the vegetables and lower the cooking time accordingly. But I prefer to use raw vegetables for roasting.


Ingredients for 4

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800 gramspotato
4 onionsonion (medium size, 160g each) (600 grams)
4 carrotscarrot (300 grams)
3/4 teaspoonssalt (4 grams)
1/4 teaspoonground black pepper (0.8 grams)
1 1/4 tablespoonolive oil (20 mls)
Salt content: 0.2% (by weight, not counting salt in other ingredients)
You can use pretty much any vegetable you like. Try courgettes, paprika, parsnips, ....


Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius / 400 Fahrenheit / Gas Mark 6.
Peel and cut your vegetables into small-ish bits. Mix with olive oil, salt and pepper. Put in a roasting dish and into the oven. Roast for 50 minutes.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Recipe PhotoHere are our ingredients - no parsnips nor peppers this time, but just treat the parsnips like the carrots if you have any... If you have peppers, just slice them into chunky bits and add them.
Recipe PhotoPeel the carrots.
Recipe PhotoTake off the top and bottom off and cut the carrot in half.
Recipe PhotoCut the top bit into six slices ...
Recipe Photo... and the bottom bit into four.
Recipe PhotoNow halve the potatoes along the thin longitudinal side.
Recipe PhotoAnd then into 3 slices - obtaining 6 pieces. If you have large potatoes, cut them in half once more so you will get 12 pieces. The size of the chunks is quite important - we want them to be small!
Recipe PhotoCut off top and bottom of your onions ...
Recipe Photo... peel them and cut them in half.
Recipe PhotoAdd some olive oil (or goose fat if you have some!).
Recipe PhotoAnd the salt and pepper.
Recipe PhotoNow nicely mix up the whole lot with your hands - you want all of the veg covered in spices and olive oil - and pop it into the oven. As you can see on my photo, I use a stainless steel roasting dish - this one is a £ 5 IKEA jobby. Also please note that the vegetables don't cover another up - this is very important. Use a larger dish when preparing more - you don't want the veg layered!
Recipe PhotoTurn the veg after 30 minutes or so with a wooden spatula - make sure they are re-covered in olive oil.
Recipe PhotoAfter roughly 50 minutes, the veg are done - and just right!